Again I forgot to post yesterday, but I think overall my track record is pretty good! I also doubt that any of you are reading this on a truly daily basis, so I can afford a few days like this.
Anyway, yesterday wasn't exactly my best day, but I got through it! The day was relatively normal, and I even got to take a nap in the middle which was VERY needed. Last night it was also my turn to make family dinner, so I decided to be ambitious and make Pad Thai, bread rolls, and broccoli. I've made all of them before, so I thought it'd be fine. Well I didn't really account for the fact that I was making enough for 13 people in a small kitchen with pans big enough to cook for 2 people max. Long story short, pad thai went EVERYWHERE. As soon as I tried to stir in the pad thai noodles, the pans just seemed to explode all over my kitchen and living room. I was still picking up carrots in the back of the room at the end of the night. But despite the explosion of thai food, it actually came out pretty decent! It may not have been restaurant-worthy but people were having seconds! I think I did a job well done in the end, it just took wayyy longer than it should have to clean it all up haha.
Today was a pretty relaxed day. I had my animal physiology practical where we did not even go into the lab, but did everything online with a nervous system simulator. Online simulators are also so obnoxious because they're so picky about little things and won't let you continue on unless you get EXACTLY what they're looking for. As a result, most of our lab was spent moving around our neurons a millimeter at a time until we got the exact spot in the model where the computer would accept it. At least the lab itself was pretty easy. The same went for my later 2 hour class, where we had a horse veterinarian come in and talk about what would have been a crazy interesting lecture, except he went through one powerpoint slide every 15 minutes because of all the not so interesting tangents he went on. Ah well. The day ended as relaxing as it started, with not much work to do and good television on the TV.
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