Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 23 (2/2)

My one class today was one of the worst classes I've ever had – in my entire life. It started off good, an Australian guy started talking to me before class and sat next to me. But the more he talked, the more I realized how awful of a person he was. This was my Human-Animal Interactions class, my favorite class so far and the one I was looking forward to the most, and when I told this kid that, he ranted for about 5 minutes of how much he hated the class and was forced to take it. He then asked me what my favorite music was and once I told him a couple of artists, told me they sucked, so I asked him what he liked, and he said he's just “not a big music person.” This kind of conversation continued until I realized we had absolutely nothing in common and he was a total jerk.

The lecture started, and I was so psyched because it was a guest lecturer who was a professor in the faculty of veterinary science. Turns out, he works with animals that are about to be slaughtered, and the entire lecture was a very graphic telling of how exactly animals get slaughtered and different techniques there are to do it, pictures and all. I was about to faint just by the sheer amount of times the man said “...and then you slash the animals throat open and let the blood drain out,” especially when he brought up sawing motions. After the class the kid turns to me and asks what I think, so I say I thought it was disgusting and I plan to spend the rest of my life making animals better, not slashing their throats open, at which point he goes “I thought it was so cool! I mean animals are just for our consumption anyway.” I was now convinced he is the most grotesque person I have ever met, because of which I was shocked and appalled by his next statement of “So...could I get your number so we could grab a coffee sometime?” I can't imagine my face concealed any of my surprise and disgust as I said no and ran away.

The night was less eventful, as the roomie and I just stayed in and watched our tv shows and did some homework before bed. Still a pleasant tuesday night :)

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