The past couple of days have been extremely laid back and relaxing -- exactly what I needed as I'm trying to nurse my horrible sunburn back to health. It also doesn't help that it's a bagillion and a half degrees here all the time, so I have the horrible dilemma of either dressing for the weather or covering up my burns so the sun doesn't make them worse. I end up just being scorching hot either way and curse the lack of ozone layer so thus concludes, even more, that I am SO a cold weather person. I officially do not function in heat.
Yesterday I spent the entire day inside reading nonstop the third Game of Thrones, which I am officially addicted to. I really had to limit myself to how much I could read during finals, and almost didn't let my friend even give me the third book because he and I both know I'm very bad at limiting myself when it comes to Game of Thrones, but somehow succeeded and now am in a reading frenzy. Such a good book!
But last night I broke my reading frenzy by going to trivia night at the backpacker's bar with the normal crowd. The questions actually weren't that bad, and I found myself knowing a lot of them (okay, like 5, but same diff). Then the Just Dance 2 portion came on, and I won over 10,000 points on "Rasputin" (the other guys didn't stand a chance against me with that song with the amount of times we've danced to it at Wooster, let's be honest) and because of those extra two points we won trivia again! Okay, it was also because of everyone else that contributed that we have the rest of the points, but I am still extremely proud that I can contribute something to this trivia.
Now today I woke up semi-early and headed back to vic market to do the remainder of my gift shopping for everyone. I also picked up two buckets of strawberries, a half kilo of cherries, and 6 bananas for 10 dollars. I almost cried it was such a good deal. I love when things come in season! Afterwards I stopped at the "Rice Bar (not only rice)", this chinese place I've been meaning to go to forever because it basically screams my name. Their rice was as good as it should have been with that kind of name, and I was extremely happy I made it there before I head home! Which is in 8 days. Whattttttt.
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