Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 13 Talking about Day 12

Wow, a day after I set my goal and I'm already behind. Off to a good start! Anyway, yesterday was the first day of our FINAL orientation! We have had far too many, and each are way too expensive. It didn't start off well, as when I finally found the building I was supposed to be in, they told me I couldn't get my orientation packet or go into the lecture hall without my passport. I, unlike other people, hadn't been carrying around my passport because I feel I'm destined to get mugged when I'm walking around in a big city. After slightly panicking, the woman said I could go in to the lecture but would have to pick up my packet later on that day. Luckily the lecture was short, and only about the process on how to register for classes and the different science courses they had (courses meaning biology, chemistry, etc. A subject is the actual classes themselves. How weird is that?). But because it was only an hour I was able to run back to my apartment, get my passport, run to and find a different building, wait in the longest line of my life because everyone in the line in front of me had bigger problems than I had and thus took SO LONG but I digress.

After a free lunch I decided to go to the optional lectures afterwards about life in australia because, why not? The first was actually very helpful and interesting, the man talked about different places in Melbourne to go to if you're on a budget (me for sure), as well as talked about the best places to travel around Australia and the best ways to go about doing it. The second lecture, however, was one of the most boring experiences so far. The lecturers here keep telling us how much harder uni melbourne will be from our normal classes and how we'll have to make a lot of adjustments. These adjustments include, writing an argumentative essay (who knew you needed a thesis and points to back up your thesis?) and actually reading an assignment before you come to class. Both of these were explained in full detail to the point where I really wondered how bad they thought our previous schooling was. It was ridiculous.

Last night I was also able to cook rice and stuff for the first time since I've gotten here! It was fabulous, and definitely will be happening a lot as it is the cheapest thing in the world to eat. Gotta love it. Afterwards I saw RMIT on the inside for the first time, which definitely reminded me more a dorm-style living situation than college square, but that's not really a bad thing. It's a complete maze though, fit with hallways that just end to haunted elevators. We ended up heading to Turf, a bar/club next to RMIT, and thankfully left just before 11 so I was able to actually sleep before I have my advisor appointment today!  

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